
In this tutorial, we’ll show how to analyze molecular dynamics trajectories using the atooms package and its postprocessing component. You can install postprocessing from pypi: pip install atooms-pp.


We start with a few imports. We will read a trajectory file in XYZ format, so we also load the TrajectoryXYZ class from atooms.

import matplotlib.pyplot as pl
import atooms.postprocessing as pp
from atooms.trajectory import TrajectoryXYZ

We consider a sample trajectory, which can be downloaded from the package repository.

from atooms.core.utils import download
download('', "/tmp")
path = '/tmp/'

Handling a trajectory#

A trajectory is an object with many properties. To load a trajectory, we create an instance of the class as follows

th = TrajectoryXYZ(path)

The trajectory is a list-like object, in the sense that it can be iterated upon and sliced. Each frame of the trajectory contains a System object, which is a snaphot of the system at a given instant (“frame”) during the simulation. We have a look at the last frame

system composed by N=150 particles
with chemical composition C={'A': 120, 'B': 30}
with chemical concentration x={'A': 0.8, 'B': 0.2}
enclosed in a cubic box at number density rho=1.200000

To know how many frames we have



To clarify: a slice like th[10: 12] is a list of frames, not a trajectory. It is possible to define a slice of a trajectory as a trajectory instance by using the Sliced class decorator, see below.

If the trajectory contains metadata, these can be retrieved directly:

from pprint import pprint
print("Timestep during the trajectory:", th.timestep)
print("Steps after which the 3rd frame was stored:", th.steps[2])
print("Additional metadata:")
Timestep during the trajectory: 0.002
Steps after which the 3rd frame was stored: 2
Additional metadata:
{'cell': [5.0, 5.0, 5.0],
 'columns': ['species', 'position'],
 'dt': 0.002,
 'ndim': 3,
 'npart': 150,
 'step': 0}

Trajectories as numpy arrays#

If your trajectory data is stored as a big numpy array already, it is easy to wrap it in a TrajectoryRam object. Let us assume the particle positions are stored as a \((N_t, N, d)\) shaped numpy array, where \(N_t\) is the number of frames, \(N\) is the number of particles and \(d\) is the dimensionality of the system.

import numpy

N_t, N, d = 10, 100, 3
pos = numpy.ndarray((N_t, N, d))
spe = numpy.ndarray((N_t, N), dtype=int)  # an integer or string label for species
box = numpy.ndarray(d)  # cell side, we assume it is not variable

Then you can load this array into a TrajectoryRam object, which holds everything in memory.

from atooms.trajectory import TrajectoryRam

with TrajectoryRam() as th:
    for _pos, _spe in zip(pos, spe):
        s = System(N=_pos.shape[0])
        s.cell.side[:] = box
        s.view('species')[:] = _spe
        s.view('position')[:, :] = _pos

This way, the trajectory never needs to be written on disk and can be analyzed on the fly.


Note that the System instance holds particles’ coordinates and species as views of the original numpy arrays. If you change the latter, the TrajectoryRam instance will change as well.

Analysis of the trajectory#

Now that we have constructed a trajectory object, we can proceed to the analysis. We will consider a few basic static and dynamic correlation functions.

Radial distribution function#

The radial distribution function \(g(r)\) describes how the local density varies as a function of the distance from a reference particle. In liquids, one normally averages over all particles, obtaining a descriptor of the probability to find a second particle a distance \(r\) from a given particle, relative to that of the ideal gas.

For \(N\) particles of the same type at density \(\rho\) it is

\[g(r)=\frac{1}{N\rho}\left\langle\sum_i^{N}\sum_{i\neq j}\delta(r-|\mathbf{r}_i-\mathbf{r}_j|)\right\rangle\]

Notice that the average number of particles with a distance \(R\), i.e. the average coordination number \(n(R)\), can be computed from the radial distribution function via integration in spherical coordinates (for 3D systems)

\[n(R)=4\pi \rho\int_0^R g(r)r^2 dr\]

In postprocessing the radial distribution function is a Correlation object that takes a trajectory as input. In order to compute the correlation function, we construct the object, specifying some parameters, and then run the calculation with the compute() method.

# We let postprocessing choose a reasonable number of time origins for the average
gr = pp.RadialDistributionFunction(th, dr=0.03)
# We average over all the frames
gr_all = pp.RadialDistributionFunction(th, dr=0.03, norigins=len(th))

Once the calculation is performed, the radial distribution object gr contains (like all correlators in postprocessing) two arrays:

  • the grid array contains the independent variable (or variables), binned according to our input parameters (in this case, the smallest space interval that we resolve, dr)

  • the value array contains the actual value of the computation, in this case the values of \(g(r)\)

As you can see there is very little improvement when using the full trajectory.

pl.plot(gr.grid, gr.value, label='Default')
pl.plot(gr_all.grid, gr_all.value, label='All time origins')

You can show the results right away with the show() method, which formats the labels automatically. The method returns a matplotlib axis object for further customization.

As we can see, the correlation function displays two narrow peaks around \(r=1\) and a broader peak further away. The presence of several peaks is due to the fact that the system actually contains two types of particles, noted \(A\) and \(B\).

We can compute separate distribution functions for the \(A\) and \(B\) particles and also the cross distribution funtion for the probability to find a particle \(B\) at distance \(r\) from particle \(A\) using the Partial class.

gr = pp.Partial(pp.RadialDistributionFunction, species=['A', 'B'], trajectory=th, dr=0.03, norigins=len(th))
gr.partial[('B', 'B')].dr = 0.06

Note how we modified the bin width dr for the \(B\) - \(B\) correlations to compensate for the reduced statistics for the minority species.

In this case, the result contains a dictionary gr.partial

from pprint import pprint
{('A', 'A'): < object at 0x7f66f4f683d0>,
 ('A', 'B'): < object at 0x7f66f4f750d0>,
 ('B', 'A'): < object at 0x7f66f4f68070>,
 ('B', 'B'): < object at 0x7f66f4f750a0>}

We plot all correlation functions

for key,g in gr.partial.items():
    pl.plot(g.grid, g.value, label=str("".join(key)))

Sometimes, it is useful to analyse only sections of a trajectory. To this purpose, one can slice the trajectory using atooms and analyse individual frames or subsets of frames.

from atooms import trajectory
t =  trajectory.Sliced(th, slice(len(th)//2, len(th)))  # analyse only the 2nd half
gr = pp.RadialDistributionFunction(t, dr=0.03)
pl.plot(gr.grid, gr.value)

Mean square displacement#

We can also compute dynamical correlation functions. The simplest of such quantities is the mean squared displacement (MSD). This is defined as

\[\delta r^2(t)= \langle |\mathbf{r}(t-t_0) - \mathbf{r}(t_0)|^2\rangle\]

The average is usually performed over all the \(N\) particles and over multiple time origins \(t_0\).

The analysis process is now familiar. First we construct the msd object and then perform the calculation with compute(). By default, the time grid is linear.

msd = pp.MeanSquareDisplacement(th)
pl.plot(msd.grid, msd.value, '-o')

Again, we can compute partial mean square displacements using the Partial class. This time we use an expoentially spaced time grid. We can clearly distinguish the short time balistic regime from the diffusion one at long times. The intermediate inflection is a signal of incipient glassy dynamics.

import numpy
tgrid = th.timestep * numpy.logspace(0, 5, base=10)
msds = pp.Partial(pp.MeanSquareDisplacement, species=['A','B'], trajectory=th, tgrid=tgrid)
pl.loglog(msds.partial['A'].grid, msds.partial['A'].value, '-o', label='A')
pl.loglog(msds.partial['B'].grid, msds.partial['B'].value, '-o', label='B')

Self intermediate scattering function#

We compute the self part of the intermediate scattering function (ISF) at specific wave-vectors using a logarithmic time grid. We specify the norm of the wave-vector we want to use for our calculation (kgrid) and the number of wave-vectors over which the correlation function will be averaged (nk). They are chosen at random in a shell of width dk. To get more info on the parameters passed to compute the ISF, have a look at the help for the base class with help(pp.fourierspace.FourierSpaceCorrelation).

from math import pi
import numpy
tgrid = th.timestep * numpy.logspace(0, 5, base=10)
isf = pp.Partial(pp.SelfIntermediateScattering, species=["A"], trajectory=th,
                 kgrid=[pi, 7.0], nk=3, dk=0.1, tgrid=tgrid)


Note that now grid is a tuple of lists: the first one is the list of all the \(k\)’s (the \(k\) number grid) while the second is the list of \(t\)’s (the time grid, which is identical for all wave-vectors).

The ISF decays to zero at long times, as it should in an ergodic liquid.

isf_A = isf.partial['A']
pl.semilogx(isf_A.grid[1], isf_A.value[0], '-o', label=f'k={isf_A.grid[0][0]:.2f}')
pl.semilogx(isf_A.grid[1], isf_A.value[1], '-o', label=f'k={isf_A.grid[0][1]:.2f}')

More correlation functions#

Here is the full list of correlation functions currently available in postprocessing, along with the corresponding classes:

- `BondAngleDistribution`: bond angle distribution
- `Chi4SelfOverlap`: dynamic susceptibility of self overlap
- `CollectiveOverlap`: collective overlap
- `IntermediateScattering`: intermediate scattering function
- `MeanSquareDisplacement`: mean square displacement
- `NonGaussianParameter`: non-Gaussian parameter
- `RadialDistributionFunction`: radial distribution function
- `S4ktOverlap`: 4-point dynamic structure factor from self overlap
- `SelfIntermediateScattering`: self intermediate scattering function
- `SelfOverlap`: self overlap
- `SpectralDensity`: spectral density
- `StructureFactor`: structure factor
- `VelocityAutocorrelation`: velocity autocorrelation

Some of them have multiple implementations (ex. Fast and Legacy), which are picked at runtime depending on your platform. The fastest implementation will be automatically picked up, if possible.

Writing your own correlation functions#

We can extend the correlation class to compute additional correlation functions. By default, we get access to particles’ positions and velocities stored in the following Correlation attributes

  • _pos: positions as a list of (ndim, npart) numpy arrays, one per frame

  • _pos_unf: same as above but positions are PBC-unfolded (useful for dynamic correlations)

  • _vel: velocities as a list of (ndim, npart) numpy arrays, one per frame

Static correlations#

This is a gist of a new correlation class that computes a static correlation over some grid and averages it over the frames

import atooms.postprocessing as pp
from collections import defaultdict
import numpy

class NewStaticCorrelation(pp.correlation.Correlation):
    def __init__(self, trajectory, grid):
        # The grid will be stored in self grid
        super().__init__(trajectory, grid)
        # We only need the positions
        self.phasespace = ["pos"]

    def _compute(self):
        # Kernel function
        def my_correlation(grid, pos):
            return numpy.ones_like(grid)

        # We average over all the frames here
        raw = []
        for i in range(len(self._pos)):
            raw.append(my_correlation(self.grid, self._pos[i]))
        self.value = numpy.array(raw).mean(axis=0)

from atooms.trajectory import TrajectoryXYZ
th = TrajectoryXYZ(path)
nw = NewStaticCorrelation(th, [0.0, 1.0])

Dynamic correlations#

To compute time-dependent correlation function, we can proceed as above, looping over time origins and computing correlations between frames spaced by intervals given by an input grid. There is a helper function that deals with finding a suitable set of frames to best match an input grid (assumed to be in real time). This deals with the general case of trajectories with exponential time spacing.

from collections import defaultdict
import atooms.postprocessing as pp
import numpy
from atooms.postprocessing.helpers import setup_t_grid

class NewDynamicCorrelation(pp.correlation.Correlation):
    def __init__(self, trajectory, tgrid):
        pp.correlation.Correlation.__init__(self, trajectory, tgrid)
        self.phasespace = ["pos"]
        # Here we setup a grid of frames that best match the input tgrid
        # See below how to use it
        self._discrete_tgrid = setup_t_grid(self.trajectory, tgrid)

    def _compute(self):
        # Kernel function
        def my_correlation(grid, pos_0, pos_1):
            return 1.0

        assert 0 in self.grid
        raw = defaultdict(list)
        # Here we get an offset frame and a corresponding separation t (in frame)
        for offset, t in self._discrete_tgrid:
            # We loop over compatible origin frames t_0, starting from offset,
            # skipping every self.skip frame
            for t_0 in range(offset, len(self._pos)-t, self.skip):
                # Compute the actual time intervale between the frames in steps
                dt = self.trajectory.steps[t_0 + t] - self.trajectory.steps[t_0]
                cf = my_correlation(self.grid, self._pos[t_0 + t], self._pos[t_0])

        # Normalization by the value at zero
        self.value = [numpy.mean(raw[dt]) / numpy.mean(raw[0]) for dt in raw]

nw = NewDynamicCorrelation(th, [0.0, 1.0, 2.0])

Storing results and analysis#

The correlation functions can be written to files, using the write() method.

msd = pp.MeanSquareDisplacement(th)

The output file path is interpolated using the variable core.pp_output_path

print('{} gives {}'.format(pp.core.pp_output_path, msd._output_file))
{trajectory.filename}.pp.{symbol}.{tag} gives /tmp/

To change the output file pattern just modify the string. You can use any Correlation attribute enclosed in brackets to parameterize the output.

The output file is a simple columnar text file containing the grid and values of the correlation function.

Some correlation functions may implement some basic analysis as well

{'diffusion coefficient D': 0.012115095529748822,
 'diffusive time tau_D': 14.341564407459972}

If analyze() is called before compute(), the above dictionary will be written in the output file as well.

Finally, you can perform all the steps above (compute, analyze, write) in one sweep like this

If the calculation has been written to disk already and the trajectory file has not changed since, do(update=True) will load the correlation function, without recalcuting everything.