
The atooms’ interface abstracts out most of the common tasks of particle-based simulations. The actual simulation is performed by a simulation “backend”, which exposes a minimal but consistent interface. This enables one to develop complex simulation frameworks (e.g., parallel tempering) that are essentially decoupled from the underlying simulation code.

A Simulation is a high-level class that encapsulates some common tasks, like regularly storing data on files, and provides a consistent interface to the user, while simulation backend classes actually make the system evolve. Here, we implement a minimal backend to run a simulation.

At a very minimum, a backend is a class that provides

  • a system instance variable, which should (mostly) behave like atooms.system.System

  • a run() method, which evolves the system for a prescribed number of steps (passed as argument)

Optionally, the backend may hold a reference to a trajectory class, which can be used to checkpoint the simulation or to write configurations to a file. This is however not required in a first stage.


A minimal simulation backend#

We set up a bare-bones simulation backend building on the native System class

from atooms.system import System

class BareBonesBackend(object):

    def __init__(self):
        self.system = System()

    def run(self, steps):
        for i in range(steps):

# The backend is created and wrapped by a simulation object.
# Here we first call the run() method then run_until()
from atooms.simulation import Simulation
from atooms.simulation.core import _log as logger
backend = BareBonesBackend()
simulation = Simulation(backend)
assert simulation.current_step == 30

# This time we call run() multiple times
simulation = Simulation(backend)
assert simulation.current_step == 30

# Set up verbose logging to see a meaningful log
from atooms.core.utils import setup_logging
setup_logging(level=20, update=True)
simulation = Simulation(backend)
setup_logging(level=40, update=True)
# atooms simulation via <__main__.BareBonesBackend object at 0x7f6f4f8e1430>
# version: 3.14.1+3.14.1-7-g7ec3c6-dirty (2022-12-10)
# atooms version: 3.14.1+3.14.1-7-g7ec3c6-dirty (2022-12-10)
# simulation started on: 2022-12-21 at 11:04
# output path: None
# backend: <class '__main__.BareBonesBackend'>
# target target_steps: 10
# <__main__.BareBonesBackend object at 0x7f6f4f8e1430>
# simulation ended successfully: reached target steps 10
# final steps: 10
# final rmsd: 0.00
# wall time [s]: 0.00
# average TSP [s/step/particle]: nan
# simulation ended on: 2022-12-21 at 11:04

Simple random walk#

We implement a simple random walk in 3d. This requires adding code to the backend run() method to actually move the particles around. The code won’t be very fast! See below Faster backends.

We start by building an empty system. Then we add a few particles and place them at random in a cube. Finally, we write a backend that displaces each particle randomly over a cube of prescribed side.

import numpy
from random import random
from atooms.system import System
from atooms.system.particle import Particle

system = System()
L = 10
for i in range(1000):
    p = Particle(position=[L * random(), L * random(), L * random()])

class RandomWalk(object):

    def __init__(self, system, delta=1.0):
        self.system = system = delta

    def run(self, steps):
        for i in range(steps):
            for p in self.system.particle:
                dr = numpy.array([random()-0.5, random()-0.5, random()-0.5])
                dr *=
                p.position += dr

Adding callbacks#

The Simulation class allows you to execute of arbitrary code during the simulation via “callbacks”. They can be used for instance to

  • store simulation data

  • write logs or particle configurations to trajectory files

  • perform on-the-fly calculations of the system properties

  • define custom conditions to stop the simulation

Callbacks are plain function that accept the simulation object as first argument. They are called at prescribed intervals during the simulation.

As an example, we measure the mean square displacement (MSD) of the particles to make sure that the system displays a regular diffusive behavior \(MSD \sim t\)

from atooms.simulation import Simulation
simulation = Simulation(RandomWalk(system))

# We add a callback that computes the MSD every 10 steps
# We store the result in a dictionary passed to the callback
msd_db = {}
def cbk(sim, initial_position, db):
    msd = 0.0
    for i, p in enumerate(sim.system.particle):
        dr = p.position - initial_position[i]
        msd += numpy.sum(dr**2)
    msd /= len(sim.system.particle)
    db[sim.current_step] = msd

# We will execute the callback every 10 steps
simulation.add(cbk, 10, initial_position=[p.position.copy() for p in
                                          system.particle], db=msd_db)

# The MSD should increase linearly with time
time = sorted(msd_db.keys())
msd = [msd_db[t] for t in time]

The MSD as a function of time should look linear.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.plot(time, msd, '-o')

The postprocessing component package provides way more options to compute dynamic correlation functions.

Fine-tuning the scheduler#

Calling a callback can be done at regular intervals during the simulation or according to a custom schedule defined by a Scheduler. Here we consider the simulation.write_trajectory() callback, which writes the system state in a trajectory file

from atooms.trajectory import TrajectoryXYZ
from atooms.simulation import write_trajectory, Scheduler

simulation = Simulation(RandomWalk(system))
trajectory = TrajectoryXYZ('/tmp/', 'w')
# Write every 10 steps
simulation.add(write_trajectory, Scheduler(10), trajectory=trajectory)

Here are a few options of the Scheduler:

  • interval: notify at a fixed steps interval (default)

  • calls: fixed number of calls to the callback

  • steps: list of steps at which the callback will be called

  • block: as steps, but the callback will be called periodically

  • seconds: notify every seconds

One useful application of the Scheduler is writing frames in a trajectory at exponentialy spaced intervals. Here the

trajectory_exp = TrajectoryXYZ('/tmp/', 'w')
simulation.add(write_trajectory, Scheduler(block=[0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16]), trajectory=trajectory_exp)

Now we will have two trajectories, one with regular and the other with exponentially spaced blocks of frames

with TrajectoryXYZ('/tmp/') as th, \
     TrajectoryXYZ('/tmp/') as th_exp:
    print('Regular:', th.steps)
    print('Exponential:', th_exp.steps)
Regular: [0, 10, 20, 30]
Exponential: [0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 17, 18, 20, 24, 32]

Compute statistical averages#

The callback allows you to store data in a dictionary while the simulation is running. Here are a few ways to use it to perform some statistical analysis.

The store callback accepts an array of arguments to store. They can be string matching a few predefined attributes (such as steps, the current number of steps carried out by the backend) or a general attribute of the simulation instance (such as system.particle[0].position[0], the x-coordinate of the first particle of the system).

import numpy
from atooms.simulation import store

simulation = Simulation(RandomWalk(system))
simulation.add(store, 1, ['steps', 'system.particle[0].position[0]'])

By default, after running the simulation, the data will be stored in the dictionary and you can use it for further analysis

import numpy

You can store the result of any function that takes as first argument the simulation instance. Just add a tuple with a label and the function to the list of properties to store.

simulation = Simulation(RandomWalk(system))
simulation.add(store, 1, ['steps', ('x_1', lambda sim: sim.system.particle[1].position[0])])

Faster backends#

Moving particles using the Particle object interface is expressive but computationally very slow, since it forces us to operate one particle at a time. We can write a more efficient backend by getting a “view” of the system’s coordinates as a numpy array and operating on it vectorially. You can also pass the viewed arrays to backends written in compiled languages (even just in time).

import numpy
from atooms.system import System

# Create a system with 10 particles
system = System(N=10)

class FastRandomWalk(object):

    def __init__(self, system, delta=1.0):
        self.system = system = delta

    def run(self, steps):
        # Get a view on the particles' position
        pos = self.system.view("position")
        for i in range(steps):
            dr = (numpy.random(pos.shape) - 0.5) *
            # Operate on array in-place
            pos += dr


Here is the recommended approach:

  • get a view of the arrays you need once at the beginning of run()

  • if possible, operate on those arrays in-place

  • if you make copies of the arrays, update the viewed arrays at the end of run()

This way the attributes of the Particle objects will remain in sync with viewed arrays

The viewed array can be cast in C-order (default) or F-order using the order parameter

system.view("position", order='C')
system.view("position", order='F')

If \(N\) is the number of particles and \(d\) is the number of spatial dimensions, then you’ll get

  • $(N, d)$-dimensional arrays with order’C’= (default)

  • $(d, N)$-dimensional arrays with order’F’=

Of course, this option is relevant only for vector attributes like positions and velocities.

You can get a view of any system property by providing a “fully qualified” attribute

assert numpy.all(system.view("cell.side") == system.cell.side)

In particular, for particles’ attributes you can use this syntax

assert numpy.all(system.view("particle.position") == system.view("pos"))