Native backends#

Let us have a closer look at backends.


There is a native backend in atooms.backends.f90 to compute interactions between particles. It is written in Fortran 90 and compiled at run-time using f2py-jit. For demonstration purposes, the core package provides a simple Lennard-Jones interaction potential.

As a simple example, we compute the interaction energy of three particles interacting with the Lennard-Jones potential.

from atooms.system import Particle, Cell, System
from atooms.backends.f90 import Interaction

model = {
    "potential": [{
        "type": "lennard_jones",
        "parameters": {"epsilon": [[1.0]], "sigma": [[1.0]]}
    "cutoff": [{
        "type": "cut_shift",
    "parameters": {"rcut": [[2.5]]}

particles = [Particle(position=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], species=1),
             Particle(position=[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], species=1),
             Particle(position=[2.0, 0.0, 0.0], species=1)]
cell = Cell([10., 10., 10.])
system = System(particles, cell)
system.interaction = Interaction(model)
print(system.potential_energy())  # reference: -0.01257276409199999

The model dictionary specify the Lennard-Jones potential and its parameters, along with a cutoff to truncate and shift the potential at \(r_c=2.5\) in the units of \(\sigma\).

Additional interaction models are defined by the companion atooms.models package, which is just a pip install atooms.models away. They can be used to perform simulations with the dynamics package to which we turn now.


The atooms.dynamics package implements Newtonian and stochastic dynamics backends for atooms.

Currently, implemented integration algorithms

  • Netwonian dynamics

    • velocity-Verlet

    • Nose-Poincaré

    • event-driven

  • Stochastic dynamics

    • overdamped Langevin dynamics

To run a molecular dynamics simulation of a Lennard-Jones system from an existing xyz file

from atooms.trajectory import Trajectory
from atooms.simulation import Simulation
from atooms.dynamics.netwonian import VelocityVerlet

# Start from the last frame of
trajectory = Trajectory('')
system = trajectory[-1]
system.interaction = Interaction('lennard_jones')
backend = VelocityVerlet(system, timestep=0.002)
sim = Simulation(backend, steps=200)

We can do the same via the Python API, which wraps a typical template of a simulation. We store the configurations in

from atooms.dynamics.api import md

md('', '',
   method='velocity-verlet', model='lennard_jones',
   dt=0.002, nsteps=200, config_number=20)

The same can be achieved from the command line --method velocity-verlet -n 200 --dt 0.002 --config-number 20


There is a separate backend for simulation of active matter, developed by Iacopo Ricci.

This is an example of simulation of the Vicsek model in 2d. We first set the system up.

import numpy
import atooms
from atooms.system import System

system = System(N=200, d=dims)
system.density = 0.5
for p in system.particle:
    p.orientation = numpy.random.uniform(-numpy.pi,numpy.pi)
    p.position = [L*numpy.random.uniform() for i in range(dims)]

Simulate the system with the Vicsek backend.

from import Vicsek
from import VicsekNeighbors
from atooms.simulation import Simulation

backend = Vicsek(system, eta=0.4, v0=0.5, noise='vectorial')
neighbors = VicsekNeighbors(system, method='kdtree')
bck.neighbors = neighbors


This simulation employs the so-called ‘vectorial’ noise implementation (discussed in Grégoire and Chaté) and the scipy-based kD-tree neighbor search algorithm.